
Image and Video Annotation for logistics and shipping industry

The shipping & logistics industry has become much more dominant in recent years as a result of the use of Artificial Intelligence.There are several key uses of AI in the shipping and logistics industry.

Artificial intelligence refers to systems that can better imitate, automate, and reproduce human thought, as well as take data-driven actions, than humans can. In other words, AI and humans have certain abilities in common. Such abilities include the ability to interpret different types of data, comprehend various datasets, learn in a number of ways, and generate solutions.

Artificial systems that are able to mimic human thought need large amounts of data as input for every operation. AI-based systems can process text, image, video, and sound data in the same way that humans can.

AI in the shipping industry can be utilized to enhance shipping routes. AI can determine the best course at the best speed. The power of data allows the shipping industry to forecast and optimize future performance and so much more.

Some of the outstanding benefits of AI in the shipping industry include but are not limited to, improved analytics for decision-making, automation, safety, route optimization, and increased efficiencies.

1. Advanced analytics – Advanced analytics are used to make valuable business insights from many data sources. This will help ensure your decisions are based on data-proven methods. 

2. Automated equipment – AI and automation play a role in the shipping industry. Machine learning capabilities will help in the analysis of historical data by considering such things as weather patterns or busy/slow shipping seasons. Automating processes can help identify problems before they happen. This allows time to make adjustments.

3. Safety and improved security – Accidents can be reduced using artificial intelligence. AI can also be used to detect threats and other malicious activities.

4. Route optimization – Route optimization would build optimization models to determine the most efficient route to take. With the help of AI, a prediction of the best path with minimum fuel consumption, and considering the weather can be calculated.

5. Performance forecasting – Performance forecasting could take the relationship between speed and power to predict changes in performance due to underwater fouling. You could use historical data to understand what is the rate of the degradation of the performance of the vessels. 

AI for logistics:

Different touch points across a supply chain generate extensive data. Better Machine Learning algorithms can extract predictive insights in logistics that are critical to decision-making. Artificial Intelligence can aid decisions related to capacity planning, forecasting, and network optimization, thereby streamlining operations and enhancing overall supply chain performance. AI is finding extensive use in dynamic route optimization, managing delivery time windows, optimize fuel consumption, and load capacity utilization, among many other activities in last-mile deliveries thereby propelling the digitization of supply chains.

AI for Shipment Tracking:

Shipment visibility data is of critical importance to overall supply chain performance. AI-powered tracking and tracing capabilities help accurate prediction of ETAs and ETDs. Furthermore, the ability to alert on supply chain disruptions, delays, and risks in shipping routes can help businesses increase agility and employ backup measures to avoid significant losses. Machine Learning can also help analyze historical data to identify shipping patterns considering various factors such as weather conditions, seasonal demand fluctuations, congestion in trade lanes, etc. With extensive use of voice-based assistants or chatbots, customers or customer service personnel can extract the tracking information in seconds.


The potential of artificial intelligence is hard to ignore. The number of successful case studies and examples will continue to grow as we look toward the future, for the integration of AI in the shipping industry.

Artificial intelligence can deliver considerable benefits to the supply chain and shipping operations. Some advantages include reduced cost, less risk, improved forecasting, faster deliveries through more optimized routes, and more.

Digital change has its benefits for the port, supply chain, customer, and environment. The ability to move swiftly between various cargoes is also essential. Selecting the right coating extends the range of cargoes, reduces the time needed to switch them, and delivers the highest return on investment (ROI).

TagX Annotation Services

When building an AI model, you’ll start with a massive amount of unlabeled data. Labeling that data is an integral step in data preparation and preprocessing for building AI.The entire data labeling workflow often includes data annotation, tagging, classification, moderation, and processing. TagX helps you prepare the best training data for enhancing these models using various annotation techniques.

We provide you with high-quality training data by integrating our human-assisted approach with machine-learning assistance. Our text, image, audio, and video annotations will give you the courage to scale your AI and ML models. Regardless of your data annotation criteria, our managed service team are ready to support you in both deploying and maintaining your AI and ML projects.