We are the worlds leading Data Provider
Scan the job market with real-time data from millions of job postings, updated daily for the most accurate results.
Seamlessly populate your job board with real-time job listings from multiple sources, enhancing your platform's value and attracting more users. Customizable filters ensure that your users see the most relevant opportunities.
Integrate our API to provide recruiters with a rich database of job postings. Enable them to search for the best-fit roles based on specific criteria like industry, location, and salary, all within their existing systems.
Enable HR software to automatically pull in job listings and synchronize with internal databases, saving time and improving the recruitment process by offering real-time, accurate job data.
Enhance your career site with fresh, globally sourced job data. Provide job seekers with an up-to-date, comprehensive listing of available roles across different sectors and regions, tailored to their specific needs.
Build smarter job search applications that give users access to millions of job postings from various boards. With real-time data updates and custom search filters, your app can offer a seamless job search experience.
For platforms connecting freelancers or remote workers, integrate the TagX Jobs API to offer a wide range of job postings that suit different skill levels, industries, and job types.
Access listings from leading job boards worldwide.
Parsed and verified for precise insights.
Built to grow with your platform's demands.
Trusted by innovators across industries, TagX Jobs API delivers job data solutions that drive results.
Book a free consultation call today with one our Experts and explore endless possibilities.